Hyperplanes In St Petersburg
Hyperplanes is on display at the CYFEST 11 from February 2-12, 2018, for the 11th international festival of media art, at the Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, St Petersburg, Russia....
Hyperplanes is on display at the CYFEST 11 from February 2-12, 2018, for the 11th international festival of media art, at the Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, St Petersburg, Russia....
Nel 2018, per la prima volta, i nati nel 2000 saranno chiamati alla “prova del voto”, in occasione delle prossime elezioni politiche. Si tratta di uno dei segnali che attestano come l’atteso e temuto Ventunesimo secolo abbia raggiunto il traguardo della maggiore età. Una ricorrenza che il...
Hyperplanes sarà presente Ad Artefiera Stand E88...
Grandi artisti insieme per beneficenza. La Triennale di Milano ospita dal prossimo 26 gennaio 2018 la mostra New Perspective, un evento ideato dall’agenzia di comunicazione Ogilvy Italia e realizzato con AIL, l’Associazione italiana contro leucemie, linfomi e mieloma, coinvolgendo importanti nomi in un progetto a cura...
A year long augmented reality project, a projected clock that enables you to 'see sounds' and a landscape of light that flows across the floor will be heading to Caerphilly Castle this November. Lumen will be returning to its roots in Wales from November 23-28 to...
Hyper Planes of Simultaneity in London: November 17th 2016. The Financial Conduct Authority in Canary Wharf, London, have chosen to partner with The Lumen Prize on their art programme, Art at the FCA. This year marks our 3rd year at the FCA and we'll be showcasing the 2016 Lumen...
Hyper Planes of Simultaneity in Berlin: November 11th - 12th 2016 From November 11-12th we're delighted to be taking part in the 23rd EVA Berlin conference on Electronic Art, Culture and History. The conference encourages the exchange between cultural heritage institutions and technology providers, and its programme...